
By bus

By bus
Barcelona Nord
902 303 222.
By bus
By bus

Contact Barcelona Nord for all bus connections, national e.g. 18 buses per day from Madrid and international.

By car
By car

There are several main roads leading to Barcelona from France and Spain and traffic is usually relatively light outside of peak hours. It is possible to find free parking spaces a few metro stops from the center of the city.

Blue parking spaces are paid between 9AM and 2PM and between 4PM and 8PM Monday to Saturday. At some crossroads the pay time starts at 8AM. Anyone can use a blue space but they aren't that easy to find. You pay at the meter and put the ticket on the dashboard. Green parking spaces are for residents only. White parking spaces are free at all times but there aren't any in the city centre.

The city car parks have some special offers for tourists. (

By Sea

The city's port is one of the busiest on the Mediterranean. It supports both ferries and cruise ships. Large cruise ships dock 1-2 kilometers to the southwest. Many offer bus-shuttles to points near the south end of La Rambla.

You can arrive to Barcelona by boat from the Balearic Islands, from Genoa and from Rome. From Rome Civitavecchia it is actually cheaper than the bus. The ferry docks almost directly on the Ramblas.

You can have your luggage picked up and stored or transferred to the airport (http://www.bcnluggageserv...) (http://www.alquilerdeyate...)